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Students & Professionals use real equipment in their case scenarios. At the Rural SimCenter you can work with high fidelity simulators of all sizes, live actors or a combination of techniques.  We offer students the opportunity to train in a hospital setting with teams and resources that reinforce learning.  Instructors can work at one of two fully equipped simulation control centers.  Students are hosted in one of two comfortable SMART conference rooms.  We encourage educators to explore the many equipment and training options available at the Rural SimCenter.  Simulation is an important tool that can be used to train for high-risk, low volume events.  Students will gain confidence using real equipment in real time so they can develop skills for use in clinical practice. 

What people are saying about training at the Rural SimCenter


“Simulation has absolutely improved the quality of our practice.”

“We practiced a scenario and then surprisingly saw an identical case present itself in the hospital--because of simulation practice we were prepared for this unusual event!”


"Simulation allows me to learn from my mistakes in a low-risk setting and helps boost my confidence when I’m working in the hospital. I feel it’s a very valuable part of my nursing education".

"Simulation gives participants a chance to practice new skills, teamwork, and communication in a non-threatening and

 supportive environment". 


"As a student we practice how to handle critical events.  My first day on the job these skills were tested!  Thanks to simulation,

even as a new nurse I knew what to do and was able to help my patient!"

"Increasing Patient Safety Through Improved Clinical Proficiency and Teamwork!"


560 Cohasset Road

Chico, CA  95926 


T: 530-332-5091

F: 530-332-5093 


© 2024 by

Rural SimCenter 

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